Welcome to Your
Nutrition Revival
It’s time to change your health narrative- for yourself, for your family, for your community, for the world. Experience the endless possibilities that come from finally feeling good in your body.

A Bio-Individual Approach
Want to know something cool? Your body is completely unique and equipped with its very own “innate wisdom.” It desires to maintain proper order, function, and balance. If you’ve landed here though, I’m guessing your body is needing a little (or a lot) of help in those areas, and my friend, you are certainly in the right place!
I know you’re here, tired and frustrated from trying alllll the things – the bone broth diet, that one magic powder or supplement, yet another health care provider visit that leaves you with more questions than answers… ugh! I totally get that life, and due to personal reasons (aka experience) I am no longer about it. And you don’t have to be either!
Let’s work together to tune back into that inner voice, as we address symptoms and systems that are in a state of depletion and dysfunction, from the ground up – no band-aid approach here. Together, we will walk down the path away from frustration and towards restoration and healing.
Why Nutritional Therapy?
Nutritional Therapy centers on the idea that real health can be achieved through a holistic and bio-individual approach to nutrition and lifestyle. We believe that many of modern society’s health problems result from weaknesses in the body’s physiological foundations brought on by poor nutrition.
-Nutritional Therapy Association
As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my job is to take a big-picture, holistic (aka “whole” – body, mind, spirit) approach to support you in creating simple nutrition + lifestyle adjustments that will impact your health on a deep, foundational level.
I have seen too many women who have ended up in state of total depletion (myself included) and therefore, unable to move the needle forward in any aspect of their health. And it’s no wonder- it’s almost as if we have been set up for this. Between hectic lifestyles, the incredibly heavy demands placed on women these days, and the utter failure that is our food and health care system, who can stand a fighting chance?
Well I am here to tell you that YOU my friend, certainly stand a fighting chance. There IS a way out of this; a different, and in my opinion, much better way. It’s a thoughtful, empowering, nourishing, intuitive, let’s-get-back-to-basics sort of way.
Despite the odds stacked against you, there is a beautiful return to health awaiting you.
How is this accomplished? Let me show you…
Comprehensive Wellness Programs
These programs allow us to work together to help you make forward, focused progress toward your health goals all the while taking into account your unique, bio-individual needs.
At the foundation, each program includes:
- Invitation to Practice Better – this is the secure client portal I use for hosting your assessments, health history, communication and more.
- Intake Interview Questionnaire – this takes a deep dive into both your prior health history and your current health concerns, symptoms, medications, lifestyle, habits, etc.
- Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) – this takes you through a series of over 300 health and lifestyle related questions, compiles the data based on your answers, and allows us to really hone in on which systems in your body could use the most support.
- Functional Testing (HTMA and/or GI MAP) – I believe in taking a “test don’t guess” approach with my clients since I’m not here to waste anyone’s time or money. The data these tests provide is extremely valuable for prioritizing exactly which diet, supplement and lifestyle strategies will be most effective for addressing your bio-individual needs.
- 1-1 support – you don’t have to do this on your own. I’ll be there every step of the way to provide guidance, accountability, and to help you push past your own limiting beliefs as they come up- because trust me, they will.
- Access to practitioner-grade supplements at a discount

Start Your Healing Journey with a Free Consultation
Book a free 30-minute phone call and I’ll share how I help my clients finally feel their best.